Sunday 10 January 2010

Indepth Analysis

in this blog post i shall do an in depth analysis of one particular trailer that will inspire me in making my teaser trailer, not in the genre, but in the way the mise-en-scene works:

First of all it starts out really creepy, with the location being very diserted and a long shot showing this debris around everywhere, all surrounded in low key lighting. Then all of a sudden the screen implodes with hostility. This mysterious man is being chased by a group of cars. He recoils into this abonded old room and the people get out there cars and approach the building.

It is obvious that the man running is being chased and is in trouble as the camera shows the people in the car to have a powerful booming voice and violent criteria. And when the running man speaks his voice is shrill, panicky which gives the character there power.

When they throw the gaslight in the room, it ends with a big explosions, and then cuts to black. Then the credits role "From producers Michael Bay"

Then the cutting rate slows down dramatically, and we see lots of long shots of peculiar images, that seem harmless, but ends with a silhouette of a man with a claw like hand.

Then non diegetic sound come in, of creepy kids singing nursery rhymes, which creates tension. Then an insert shot makes the audience realise that it's a remake of a nightmare on elm street. The cutting rates become slowly faster, and the images become more sinister.

Within every three second or so interval it will be broken up by some diegetic dialogue. Also the sycronous beat that goes with the transitions of the images.

It then slows down to some degreee when we see a long shot of the man coming closer to the camera. It then goes silent, and we hear a girl scream, then the title comes up 'A Nightmare On Elm Street'

It the cuts to a diologue between the evil silhouete, and then it cuts to a close up of his scarred face. Then it cuts to black.

I really like this trailer, as it starts off slowly and finally creeps into the story, this is something i'd like to portray. Also the mise-en-scene of the trailer worked incredibly well. I'd like to take elements of this and use this for my teaser

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